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Zodiac becomes an official member of USAV Group

On the 21st, July in 2021, Zodiac officially becomes a member of USAV Group, one of the associations which affiliated providers, integrators and customers in the Pro-AV industry around the world.

USAV bonds Pro-AV members and partners into a perfect industry team. Furthermore, USAV provides partners and clients with the latest trends in audio-visual fields , boost the capability of access to the products from the leading technology integrators and more relationships with global AV experts.

Becoming a USAV member enables Zodiac to broaden its business opportunities as well as enhance its ability for Pro-AV services from the global expertise.

Apart from a professional collaboration center which provides information and nurtures the Pro-AV community, USAV is also a training ground for leading audio-visual professionals worldwide.

Worldwide member and partner network

USAV has been present in over 40 countries with more than 100 integrators mostly in US markets. In Asia, USAV comprise  members at China, ThaiLand and Viet Nam (Zodiac)


Online meetings take place in USAV Group, which concentrates on collaboration, industry development and insights into the Pro-AV industry. With a large network of resources, regularly updated data and leading professionals help inform the latest trends and tackle the challenges in the Pro-AV industry.

Support business development

USAV has partnerships with more than 250 technology solution providers and access to professional service manufacturers with the aim of reinforcing the business targets, net solutions and managerial services. 

Moreover, USAV provides a competitive advantage for its network integrators. Members get access to exclusive sources, using over 70 built-in tools to adapt to their company’s business model. Hence this contributes to improve business orientation and make a difference compared to competitors

That Zodiac becomes an official member of USAV Group further strengthens our reputation and position not only in Vietnam but also in the global market, in accordance with our development strategy and vision which is a leading technology corporation reaching international level to bring the most perfect benefits to customers.


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