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Zodiac accompanies the children of Yen Bai in the charity program “Going to school with children”

In the journey of fulfilling our social responsibility and sharing compassion, Zodiac Investment Corporation organized the charitable program “Going to school with children” in Yen Bai Province. This program holds special significance for children in highland areas facing numerous challenges, particularly in the aftermath of the devastating Yagi typhoon. To provide better learning conditions, the program was launched with the support of kind-hearted and dedicated individuals.

Zodiac’s journey of sharing love: “Going to school with children”

The “Going to school with children” program is a charitable initiative that demonstrates Zodiac’s strong commitment to enhancing the quality of education and supporting disadvantaged students. Despite the significant damage caused by the storms and floods, the spirit of compassion and community responsibility has spread widely.

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15 projector sets and more than 3,000 educational supplies were presented to the Department of Education and Training of Yen Bai Province and students of Yen Loc Primary and Secondary School. Although modest, these gifts are practical contributions, with the hope that the schools will soon be fully equipped to provide teachers and students with the tools needed for a successful academic year. Zodiac Investment Corporation will also install and guide on using the equipment in schools that lost their projectors due to the storm.

Education – A strong investment in the future

Zodiac firmly believes that education is the most crucial foundation for building a prosperous and sustainable society. The company sees investment in education as planting seeds for the future and one of the most effective ways to bring about positive change in the community. The “Going to school with children” program is a testament to this commitment.

Zodiac Investment Corporation will continue to support charitable activities, contributing to the development of education in underprivileged areas where learning conditions remain inadequate. These efforts will serve as a strong stepping stone toward a brighter future, where all children have the opportunity to learn and realize their full potential.

Words of appreciation

The “Going to school with children” charity program in Yen Bai would not have been successful without the collaboration of individuals, partners, and organizations who contributed to this meaningful initiative.

trao tặng phần quà đến tận tay các em học sinh trong chương trình Cùng em tới trường

We hope that, through our ongoing efforts, the company will continue to carry out meaningful charitable programs, supporting the community in building a better future for the next generation.

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